Sunday, March 28, 2021

Weekly Family Update 3/29/21


Welcome back! I hope you had a fabulous Spring Break!!!! We're excited about the spring and heading into the end of the year...there's LOTS of learning to happen, and we are ready for it! 

Updated ISBE Guidance
Please review the ISBE guidance document and/or this awesome FAQ document to make sure you are clear on the new updates. The GREAT news is that we are able to more fully open...and we can get all of our in person learners on site for 4 days a week starting April 13! Please know that we will cannot FULLY open due to space concerns and the required 3 ft social distancing. If you have been learning full remote and wish to be put on a wait list for in person learning, please call your school(s) to make sure your child(ren) are added to the lists. 

 We continue to plan for in person summer school that will be open to FAR more learners than usual and for a FULL REOPEN for the fall. 

21-22 Registration and Fees
Speaking of next year...the Board approved the fees for 21-22 with no increases. You'll remember that NO fees were charged this year due to the craziness of the year. More information about the registration process coming soon. Fee information is as follows:

Calling New Kindergartners!!!!
Speaking of next year...again...please see below for information on Kindergarten Round Up!!! Please pass this information along, and call Lotus at 847.973.4100 for more info!

IAR Testing
We are moving IAR and ACCESS testing to as late in the school year as possible to maximize learning time. While we are required to give a good faith effort to the assessments, we will not stress out about make ups, nor will we test full remote students. 

No Food Treats
For the safety of everyone and given all the parameters around eating and the 4W's, we cannot allow food treats for birthday events in the building. You are welcome to send non-food items and we'll hold them for the required 24 hours before distributing. But food is NOT allowed. 

Meals and Materials
We'll be sticking with our current schedule for meals and materials until we open to full 
capacity on April 13:

Meals daily at Stanton from 6-7:30 and Lotus from 8:00-10:00
Materials at each site on Fridays

More info coming on plans moving forward. 

School Pictures

Picture Dates Confirmation and Important Information
Monday, May 3:  M/T Lotus in-person students (PreK-4)
Tuesday, May 4:  M/T Stanton in-person students (Grades 5-7)
Wednesday, May 5:  All remote only students for both schools.  By appointment at either school.  (PreK-7)
Thursday, May 6:  TH/F Stanton in-person students (Grades 5-7)
Friday, May 7:  TH/F Lotus in-person students (PreK-4)--if pictures not taken on 5/3
Monday, May 17: 8th-grade promotion pictures for remote and in-person students.  
  • Weather permitting, all pictures are scheduled to be taken outside.  (ED Clark will provide and set up tents)  In the case of inclement weather, pictures will be moved inside.  
  • Masks must be worn until the photographer is ready to take the picture.  Immediately after the picture is taken, masks must be put back on.
  • Remote students can schedule an appointment at either school by using the links below.  
  • All picture orders must be preordered and paid for online with ED Clark Photography.  No picture envelopes will be provided for PreK-7th grade.  Follow this link to order and pay for pictures:
  • 8th graders will have 2 pictures taken.  One picture in a school appropriate outfit of their choice and one in their cap and gown. Students will receive their cap, gown, and ribbon the week of May 10.  Students will receive picture proofs for ordering or orders can be placed online. 

Upcoming Key Dates:

Tuesday, 3/16--March Board of Education Meeting--Hybrid meeting at 6PM

Friday, April 2--No School

Monday, April 12-- Remote Learning Planning Day--details to come

Tuesday, April 13--Open at full capacity for in person learners!

If You Are in Need...
Families, just a reminder with the cold season upon us:  
- Please remember that we are here for you.  If your child is in need of jackets/gloves/hats, let us know.  
-Please make sure you have a working smoke detector.  If you don't, please reach out to the Fox Lake Fire Department.  They will provide you with one and help install if needed. They can be reached at 847-587-3312.   



If you haven't already done sone, please use this link to register for the COVID-19 Vaccine is: Even if you don't plan to get the vaccine in the near future, please register so you are included in the count. 

Please do your part all the time to help bring the data down:
1. Wear your mask. 
2. Wash your hands. 
3. Watch your distance--stay 6 feet apart from others. 

Updated dashboard data

3/29/21--New dashboard format. LCHD is no longer posting data, so we are now using the

CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County.

Fox Lake District 114 CDC Indicators and Thresholds for Community Transmission 


D114 Text-A-Tip

United Way


Ways to access:

*Call 211 from any phone.

*Text your zip code to 898211

*Access the database via web at


You can reach us at District Office at 847-973-4028. Feel free to email me with questions, ideas, or concerns at We are here to help, so don't hesitate to reach out for assistance!

With commitment to our students and families, 

Heather Friziellie, Superintendent

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Weekly Family Update 3/15/21


Updated ISBE Guidance
Last week, schools were provided with updated guidance for opening more fully. Please review the ISBE guidance document and/or this awesome FAQ document to make sure you are clear on the new updates. The GREAT news is that we are able to more fully open...and we can get more kids back onsite!!!! We are working on plans for this, and I'll share updates at Tuesday's Board of Education Meeting. Please know that we will not be able to FULLY open due to space concerns and the required 3 ft social distancing. However, we will get as many kids back to four full days a week as we can--with family consent, of course. We continue to plan for in person summer school that will be open to FAR more learners than usual and for a FULL REOPEN for the fall. 

No Food Treats
For the safety of everyone and given all the parameters around eating and the 4W's, we cannot allow food treats for birthday events in the building. You are welcome to send non-food items and we'll hold them for the required 24 hours before distributing. But food is NOT allowed. 

Spring Break Meals
Mrs. Franco and the kitchen teams have come up with a GREAT plan for meals for Spring Break. They are putting together meal prep boxes to cover at least 5 days but with cooking/meal plan directions (think Hello Fresh or those kinds of things). Families will be able to pick them up on Tuesday, March 23 at Lotus from 8-10AM and have plenty for the week.

Travel Guidance--NO CHANGES
I know many families have travel plans, especially as Spring Break comes closer. Please see below for guidance on travel:

CDC recommends that you do not travel at this time as it increases your chance of spreading and getting COVID-19.  If you must travel, take these steps to protect yourself and others from COVID-19:

  • If you are eligible, get fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Wait 2 weeks after getting your second vaccine dose to travel—it takes time for your body to build protection after any vaccination.
  • Get tested with a viral test 1-3 days before you travel. Keep a copy of your test results with you during travel in case you are asked for them. Do NOT travel if you test positive.
  • Check travel restrictions before you go.
  • Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when in public settings. Masks are required on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation traveling into, within, or out of the United States and in U.S. transportation hubs such as airports and stations.
  • Avoid crowds and stay at least 6 feet/2 meters (about 2 arm lengths) from anyone who did not travel with you. It’s important to do this everywhere — both indoors and outdoors.
  • Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol).
  • Bring extra supplies, such as masks and hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid contact with anyone who is sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Do NOT travel if you were exposed to COVID-19you are sick or you test positive for COVID-19
  • Do not travel with someone who is sick.

There are no quarantine restrictions for domestic travel. However, upon your return, if you have symptoms, are diagnosed with COVID-19, or learn you have been a close contact to someone with COVID-19, please stay home and notify school immediately. 

Additional recommendations apply to international travel.  If you are planning to travel internationally at any point during the second semester, please report that to the Attendance Office or School Nurse prior to travel.  A quarantine of 10 days upon return from international travel is recommended. 


Your cooperation in following these recommendations closely, no matter where you may travel, is appreciated.  In-person learning is going well and we do not want any upcoming spring break travel to derail those efforts.  Thank you! 

School Pictures

Picture Dates Confirmation and Important Information
Monday, May 3:  M/T Lotus in-person students (PreK-4)
Tuesday, May 4:  M/T Stanton in-person students (Grades 5-7)
Wednesday, May 5:  All remote only students for both schools.  By appointment at either school.  (PreK-7)
Thursday, May 6:  TH/F Stanton in-person students (Grades 5-7)
Friday, May 7:  TH/F Lotus in-person students (PreK-4)--if pictures not taken on 5/3
Monday, May 17: 8th-grade promotion pictures for remote and in-person students.  
  • Weather permitting, all pictures are scheduled to be taken outside.  (ED Clark will provide and set up tents)  In the case of inclement weather, pictures will be moved inside.  
  • Masks must be worn until the photographer is ready to take the picture.  Immediately after the picture is taken, masks must be put back on.
  • Remote students can schedule an appointment at either school by using the links below.  
  • All picture orders must be preordered and paid for online with ED Clark Photography.  No picture envelopes will be provided for PreK-7th grade.  Follow this link to order and pay for pictures:
  • 8th graders will have 2 pictures taken.  One picture in a school appropriate outfit of their choice and one in their cap and gown. Students will receive their cap, gown, and ribbon the week of May 10.  Students will receive picture proofs for ordering or orders can be placed online. 

Upcoming Key Dates:

Tuesday, 3/16--March Board of Education Meeting--Hybrid meeting at 6PM

March 20-28--SPRING BREAK!

If You Are in Need...
Families, just a reminder with the cold season upon us:  
- Please remember that we are here for you.  If your child is in need of jackets/gloves/hats, let us know.  
-Please make sure you have a working smoke detector.  If you don't, please reach out to the Fox Lake Fire Department.  They will provide you with one and help install if needed. They can be reached at 847-587-3312.   



If you haven't already done sone, please use this link to register for the COVID-19 Vaccine is: Even if you don't plan to get the vaccine in the near future, please register so you are included in the count. 

Please do your part all the time to help bring the data down:
1. Wear your mask. 
2. Wash your hands. 
3. Watch your distance--stay 6 feet apart from others. 

Updated dashboard data 3/14/21:

In an effort to support our families during these stressful times, we have created a link on our website for parents to get support. This list of resources will continue to grow, but now that it is up and has a great 8 week series for families put out by the company who created Second Step!


D114 Text-A-Tip

United Way


Ways to access:

*Call 211 from any phone.

*Text your zip code to 898211

*Access the database via web at


You can reach us at District Office at 847-973-4028. Feel free to email me with questions, ideas, or concerns at We are here to help, so don't hesitate to reach out for assistance!

With commitment to our students and families, 

Heather Friziellie, Superintendent

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Weekly Family Update 3/8/21


Good morning, and Happy Monday! Looking forward to a great week!

Spring Break Meals
Mrs. Franco and the kitchen teams have come up with a GREAT plan for meals for Spring Break. They are putting together meal prep boxes to cover at least 5 days but with cooking/meal plan directions (think Hello Fresh or those kinds of things). Families will be able to pick them up on Tuesday, March 23 at Lotus from 8-10AM and have plenty for the week.

Travel Guidance--NO CHANGES
I know many families have travel plans, especially as Spring Break comes closer. Please see below for guidance on travel:

CDC recommends that you do not travel at this time as it increases your chance of spreading and getting COVID-19.  If you must travel, take these steps to protect yourself and others from COVID-19:

  • If you are eligible, get fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Wait 2 weeks after getting your second vaccine dose to travel—it takes time for your body to build protection after any vaccination.
  • Get tested with a viral test 1-3 days before you travel. Keep a copy of your test results with you during travel in case you are asked for them. Do NOT travel if you test positive.
  • Check travel restrictions before you go.
  • Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when in public settings. Masks are required on planes, buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation traveling into, within, or out of the United States and in U.S. transportation hubs such as airports and stations.
  • Avoid crowds and stay at least 6 feet/2 meters (about 2 arm lengths) from anyone who did not travel with you. It’s important to do this everywhere — both indoors and outdoors.
  • Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol).
  • Bring extra supplies, such as masks and hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid contact with anyone who is sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Do NOT travel if you were exposed to COVID-19you are sick or you test positive for COVID-19
  • Do not travel with someone who is sick.

There are no quarantine restrictions for domestic travel. However, upon your return, if you have symptoms, are diagnosed with COVID-19, or learn you have been a close contact to someone with COVID-19, please stay home and notify school immediately. 

Additional recommendations apply to international travel.  If you are planning to travel internationally at any point during the second semester, please report that to the Attendance Office or School Nurse prior to travel.  A quarantine of 10 days upon return from international travel is recommended. 


Your cooperation in following these recommendations closely, no matter where you may travel, is appreciated.  In-person learning is going well and we do not want any upcoming spring break travel to derail those efforts.  Thank you! 

School Pictures

Picture Dates Confirmation and Important Information
Monday, May 3:  M/T Lotus in-person students (PreK-4)
Tuesday, May 4:  M/T Stanton in-person students (Grades 5-7)
Wednesday, May 5:  All remote only students for both schools.  By appointment at either school.  (PreK-7)
Thursday, May 6:  TH/F Stanton in-person students (Grades 5-7)
Friday, May 7:  TH/F Lotus in-person students (PreK-4)--if pictures not taken on 5/3
Monday, May 17: 8th-grade promotion pictures for remote and in-person students.  
  • Weather permitting, all pictures are scheduled to be taken outside.  (ED Clark will provide and set up tents)  In the case of inclement weather, pictures will be moved inside.  
  • Masks must be worn until the photographer is ready to take the picture.  Immediately after the picture is taken, masks must be put back on.
  • Remote students can schedule an appointment at either school by using the links below.  
  • All picture orders must be preordered and paid for online with ED Clark Photography.  No picture envelopes will be provided for PreK-7th grade.  Follow this link to order and pay for pictures:
  • 8th graders will have 2 pictures taken.  One picture in a school appropriate outfit of their choice and one in their cap and gown. Students will receive their cap, gown, and ribbon the week of May 10.  Students will receive picture proofs for ordering or orders can be placed online. 

Upcoming Key Dates:

3/9 (Tuesday) & 10 (Wednesday): Wendy's Eat Out 2 Help Out Event--9AM-8PM both dates

Thursday, 3/11-- Virtual PTA Meeting at 6:30 pm. PTA MEETING LINK

Tuesday, 3/16--March Board of Education Meeting--Hybrid meeting at 6PM

March 20-28--SPRING BREAK!

If You Are in Need...
Families, just a reminder with the cold season upon us:  
- Please remember that we are here for you.  If your child is in need of jackets/gloves/hats, let us know.  
-Please make sure you have a working smoke detector.  If you don't, please reach out to the Fox Lake Fire Department.  They will provide you with one and help install if needed. They can be reached at 847-587-3312.   



If you haven't already done sone, please use this link to register for the COVID-19 Vaccine is: Even if you don't plan to get the vaccine in the near future, please register so you are included in the count. 

Please do your part all the time to help bring the data down:
1. Wear your mask. 
2. Wash your hands. 
3. Watch your distance--stay 6 feet apart from others. 

Updated dashboard data 3/7/21:

In an effort to support our families during these stressful times, we have created a link on our website for parents to get support. This list of resources will continue to grow, but now that it is up and has a great 8 week series for families put out by the company who created Second Step!


D114 Text-A-Tip

United Way


Ways to access:

*Call 211 from any phone.

*Text your zip code to 898211

*Access the database via web at


You can reach us at District Office at 847-973-4028. Feel free to email me with questions, ideas, or concerns at We are here to help, so don't hesitate to reach out for assistance!

With commitment to our students and families, 

Heather Friziellie, Superintendent