Sunday, May 30, 2021

Weekly Family Update 6/1/21---The Last Day of School Edition!!!!


As I'm writing this last Family Update of the year, trying to be articulate and somehow able to describe how I'm feeling, it really boils down to two words:


I look back on the last 14 months and am amazed at what we've done. Thank you for partnering with us on this wild ride. We truly appreciate our students and families more than we'll ever be able to say. 

I hope your summer is so full of fun, relaxation, and happiness! Looking forward to a full opening for fall 2021!!!!
-From Heather

Meals and Materials
This Friday will be the final meals/materials pick up day. 

This summer:
*All students attending Camp Curiosity will be served breakfast.
*Anyone in the community can come get a "grab and go" breakfast daily Monday-Thursday.
*We'll have "5 for Me" (drive through to grab 5 sets of meals) on the following Tuesdays:

21-22 Registration and Fees--Registration IS OPEN!!!!

The Board approved the fees for 21-22 with no increases. You'll remember that NO fees were charged this year due to the craziness of the year. More information about the registration process coming soon. Fee information is as follows. If you are unable to pay fees, please complete the Fee Waiver Form and follow the directions as indicated. 

Everyone who registers on or before June 30 will receive a $20/per child savings

End of Year Events
June 1--Last day for 1st-7th graders, early release Lotus at 12:45 and Stanton at 1:30
8th Grade Promotion Ceremony--6:00PM at Stanton
June 2--Chromebook drop off day for ALL students--8AM-2PM at both sites

Upcoming Key Dates

Tuesday, June 1--Last day of school (1-8)--Early Release (Lotus 12:45, Stanton 1:30)

Monday, June 14--Board of Education Meeting



All school students, faculty and staff are still required to mask while on school grounds, vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Click here to sign your 12+ year old student up for the vaccination pod at Grant High School. 

D114 Text-A-Tip

United Way


Ways to access:

*Call 211 from any phone.

*Text your zip code to 898211

*Access the database via web at


You can reach us at District Office at 847-973-4028. Feel free to email me with questions, ideas, or concerns at We are here to help, so don't hesitate to reach out for assistance!

With commitment to our students and families, 

Heather Friziellie, Superintendent

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Weekly Family Update 5/24/21---One More to Go!!!!


It's the last full week of school! Can you believe it? I know we are all tired, but I hope you are also so proud of what the kids have done. They are amazing, and I am so proud of them. Thank you to our families and staff who made this crazy year possible!!!! 

Meals and Materials
This Friday will be the final meals/materials pick up day. 

This summer:
*All students attending Camp Curiosity will be served breakfast.
*Anyone in the community can come get a "grab and go" breakfast daily Monday-Thursday.
*We'll have "5 for Me" (drive through to grab 5 sets of meals) on the following Tuesdays:

21-22 Registration and Fees--Registration IS OPEN!!!!

The Board approved the fees for 21-22 with no increases. You'll remember that NO fees were charged this year due to the craziness of the year. More information about the registration process coming soon. Fee information is as follows. If you are unable to pay fees, please complete the Fee Waiver Form and follow the directions as indicated. 

Everyone who registers on or before June 30 will receive a $20/per child savings

End of Year Events
Please check this list for a complete list of key end of the year dates.
May 25--Last day for PreK Students
May 26--Chromebook drop off day for all PreK students--families must drop off during
the school day
May 27--Chromebook collection day for all in person students
May 27--Last day for 8th graders
May 28--Last day for Kindergarten students
May 30--No school--Memorial Day
June 1--Last day for 1st-7th graders, early release Lotus at 12:45 and Stanton at 1:30
June 2--Chromebook drop off day for ALL students--8AM-2PM at both sites

Upcoming Key Dates

Tuesday, June 1--Last day of school (1-8)--Early Release (Lotus 12:45, Stanton 1:30)

Monday, June 14--Board of Education Meeting


Please see below for the latest information from the Lake County Health Department:

Whereas, the CDC advises that schools continue to use the COVID-19 prevention strategies outlined in the CDC’s Operational Strategy for K-12 Schools for at least the remainder of the 2020-2021 academic school year”; and, from the Executive Order 2021-10.


If you review the Executive Order 2021-10 you will find that it directly references the Revised Public Health Guidance for Schools:


Please review pages 3-7 in detail for specifics on school events and masking.  

All school students, faculty and staff are required to mask while on school grounds, vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Click here to sign your 12+ year old student up for the vaccination pod at Grant High School. 

Please do your part all the time to help bring the data down:
1. Wear your mask. 
2. Wash your hands. 
3. Watch your distance--stay 6 feet apart from others. 

Updated dashboard data

We are now using the CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County.

Fox Lake District 114 CDC Indicators and Thresholds for Community Transmission:


The best data we've seen in a LONG time! 😁

D114 Text-A-Tip

United Way


Ways to access:

*Call 211 from any phone.

*Text your zip code to 898211

*Access the database via web at


You can reach us at District Office at 847-973-4028. Feel free to email me with questions, ideas, or concerns at We are here to help, so don't hesitate to reach out for assistance!

With commitment to our students and families, 

Heather Friziellie, Superintendent

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Weekly Family Updates 5/17/21


I hope you had a really wonderful weekend!!!! We're heading into the home stretch of the school year, so thank you for all you are doing to support our students and staff in reaching June 1. It's been a challenging year for SURE, and I'm so proud of how we have traveled the road together!

Meals and Materials

This summer:
*All students attending Camp Curiosity will be served breakfast.
*Anyone in the community can come get a "grab and go" breakfast daily Monday-Thursday.
*We'll have "5 for Me" (drive through to grab 5 sets of meals) each TUESDAY. 
*There will be NO meals the week of July 5. 

21-22 Registration and Fees--Registration IS OPEN!!!!
The Board approved the fees for 21-22 with no increases. You'll remember that NO fees were charged this year due to the craziness of the year. More information about the registration process coming soon. Fee information is as follows. If you are unable to pay fees, please complete the Fee Waiver Form and follow the directions as indicated. 

Everyone who registers on or before June 30 will receive a $20/per child savings

2021-22 Family Input Survey--218 families have already done this!!!! 😊
Please complete this survey so we can start to gather data about learning
preferences for next year. At this point, the only students who will be permitted to work remotely
are those with a medical exemption. We are part of a cohort working to develop a virtual
academy for those students. As you know, guidance changes all the time,
and I'll continue to keep you posted. Please complete the survey by May 21!

End of Year Events
Please check this list for a complete list of key end of the year dates.
May 25--Last day for PreK Students
May 26--Chromebook drop off day for all PreK students--families must drop off during
the school day
May 27--Chromebook collection day for all in person students
May 27--Last day for 8th graders
May 28--Last day for Kindergarten students
May 30--No school--Memorial Day
June 1--Last day for 1st-7th graders, early release Lotus at 12:45 and Stanton at 1:30
June 2--Chromebook drop off day for ALL students--8AM-2PM at both sites

Upcoming Key Dates

Tuesday, May 18--Board of Education Meeting at 6M--Meet Link or RSVP to attend in person 

Tuesday, June 1--Last day of school (1-8)--Early Release (Lotus 12:45, Stanton 1:30)


Click here to sign your 12+ year old student up for the vaccination pod at Grant High School. 

Pilot Program
We will be participating in a pilot program beginning May 19th.  For the classroom setting only, when mitigation strategies are strictly adhered to, close contact will be defined as being within 3’ (rather than 6’) of a confirmed case for a cumulative period of 15 minutes and not fully vaccinated.  
The LCHD has not officially changed quarantine recommendations, but is conducting this pilot program 
to determine if quarantine recommendations for schools can be revised.

Please do your part all the time to help bring the data down:
1. Wear your mask. 
2. Wash your hands. 
3. Watch your distance--stay 6 feet apart from others. 

Updated dashboard data

We are now using the CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County.

Fox Lake District 114 CDC Indicators and Thresholds for Community Transmission:


The data's looking better every day! 😁

D114 Text-A-Tip

United Way


Ways to access:

*Call 211 from any phone.

*Text your zip code to 898211

*Access the database via web at


You can reach us at District Office at 847-973-4028. Feel free to email me with questions, ideas, or concerns at We are here to help, so don't hesitate to reach out for assistance!

With commitment to our students and families, 

Heather Friziellie, Superintendent

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Weekly Family Updates 5/10/21


I hope all the moms, grandmas, nanas, aunts, sisters, and all women who inspire and support others had a truly wonderful Mothers Day! 

Meals and Materials
Remote students should still plan to pick up meals and materials each FRIDAY at Stanton (6-7:30AM) and/or Lotus (8-10AM). 

21-22 Registration and Fees--Registration IS OPEN!!!!

The Board approved the fees for 21-22 with no increases. You'll remember that NO fees were charged this year due to the craziness of the year. More information about the registration process coming soon. Fee information is as follows. If you are unable to pay fees, please complete the Fee Waiver Form and follow the directions as indicated. 

Everyone who registers on or before June 30 will receive a $20/per child savings

2021-22 Family Input Survey
Please complete this survey so we can start to gather data about learning
preferences for next year. At this point, the only students who will be permitted to work remotely
are those with a medical exemption. We are part of a cohort working to develop a virtual
academy for those students. As you know, guidance changes all the time,
and I'll continue to keep you posted. Please complete the survey by May 21!

End of Year Events
Please be on the lookout for end of year dates and details in this week's daily

Upcoming Key Dates

Thursday, May 13--Virtual PTA Meeting at 6:30 PM--Meet Link

Tuesday, May 18--Board of Education Meeting-details TBD

Tuesday, June 1--Last day of school (1-8)--Early Release (Lotus 12:45, Stanton 1:30)


If you haven't already done sone, please use this link to register for the COVID-19 Vaccine is: Even if you don't plan to get the vaccine in the near future, please register so you are included in the count. 

Please do your part all the time to help bring the data down:
1. Wear your mask. 
2. Wash your hands. 
3. Watch your distance--stay 6 feet apart from others. 

Updated dashboard data

We are now using the CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County.

Fox Lake District 114 CDC Indicators and Thresholds for Community Transmission:


D114 Text-A-Tip

United Way


Ways to access:

*Call 211 from any phone.

*Text your zip code to 898211

*Access the database via web at


You can reach us at District Office at 847-973-4028. Feel free to email me with questions, ideas, or concerns at We are here to help, so don't hesitate to reach out for assistance!

With commitment to our students and families, 

Heather Friziellie, Superintendent