Sunday, February 23, 2025

D114 Weekly Family Updates 2/24/25


Just a reminder that we WILL be in session on Monday, March 3 to make up the cold day we had to take earlier in the year!

The Board also approved the 2025-26 school calendar! It's attached to this week's email! 

5Essentials Survey

Each year, D114 participates in the 5Essentials Survey, a valuable tool developed by the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research. This survey helps us assess our school climate and culture by collecting feedback from students, teachers, and parents. We strongly encourage families to take a few minutes to complete this online parent survey. The results of the parent portion of this survey are only utilized if we have enough participation.

Please note that this survey is intended as a public-facing, “high-level look” at our community; we do not receive the feedback in a way that allows us to be responsive to immediate or individual needs. As always, please reach out to your child’s school if you have questions or concerns that need to be addressed.


We sure appreciate your input!

Mark Your Calendars!

May 17, 2025!!!

Come celebrate our GOTR program AND Jeff Sefcik's retirement! There will be food, fun, music, and community! More info coming soon!!!!

Calling Incoming Kindergartners!

Attendance Matters!!!!

Good morning, District 114!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this Saturday's Family Fun Fair! We had a great turnout and enjoyed seeing everyone having a great time. Check out some of the pictures and videos from the event on our Facebook page! An extra special shout-out goes to our teachers and staff who volunteered their time to make this event a success. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

The Scholastic book fair at Lotus is underway, and we could still use a few volunteers for Tuesday and Thursday. Please consider signing up to work a shift!

Mark your calendars for our next PTA meeting! It will be on Monday, March 10th at 6:00 pm in the Lotus library! 

Can't join in person? Join us on Google Meets!

Don't forget to join our Facebook group to see the meeting highlights and more, and while you're at it, join the PTA here! Membership dues are only $6 for the whole year!


Key 2024-25 Dates

April 22
Day of Service
We'll be forming a committee of parents and staff to plan this event for the SPRING of 2025

May 2
Rocket Launch (Stanton)
Possible Star Wars Theme
Rain date May 9

March 3--SCHOOL IN SESSION (calendar change)
March 18--Board of Education Meeting
March 24-28--Spring Break!

District 114 CARES

At District 114 Fox Lake, the well-being of our students and families is our top priority. Understanding the critical role mental health plays in student success, we have launched District 114 CARES—a comprehensive initiative aimed at improving access to quality mental health services across our community.

What is District 114 CARES?

District 114 CARES stands for Community, Advocacy, Resilience, Engagement, and Support. This program is specifically designed to provide essential mental health resources and support to students and families, with a focus on those facing financial challenges.

Our mission is to ensure that every student has the tools they need to thrive—both emotionally and academically. By addressing barriers to care, we aim to empower students to reach their full potential in and out of the classroom.

Our Commitment

Through District 114 CARES, we reaffirm our dedication to fostering a supportive, resilient community where every student has equitable access to the resources and support they need to succeed.

If you or your student are in a crisis, please call the following numbers as applicable:

For a Life Threatening EMERGENCY CALL 9-1-1

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline call or text 9-8-8 or chat provides 24/7, free and confidential support 

CRISIS TEXT LINE:  text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States anytime. A live trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds.

The Trevor Project 1-866-488-7386 provides crisis support services to LGBTQ youth.

Non-Emergency Community Help Line 2-1-1

JARS Resale Shop

36325 N Maple Ave. Ingleside, IL 60041


Wednesdays 5:30-730pm 

Saturdays 9-1pm 

2nd and 4th Fridays 9-1. Or by appointment


D114 is a special place to be! Thank you for your partnership with us!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

D114 Weekly Family Updates--Week of 2/17/25


Hello, D114 families! At Friday's Institute Day, we introduced new, updated school safety language that is:


*Recommended by local law enforcement

*In alignment with Grant High School and its other foundational districts. 

While some details of our plans we cannot share to ensure student and staff safety, I did want to share the updated language with you:

Also, find attached to this week's Update email a family handout with additional information. 

BIG Tuesday Events for Stanton
Two big things are happening for Stanton at Tuesday's Board meeting (which is AT STANTON)!

We will also be making our recommendation for the new Stanton principal! They will be there to meet everyone, too!!!! I will share more information after the meeting!

Stanton Safety Event for Students

We are excited to inform you that on Tuesday February 18th, we will be hosting a special K-9 demonstration at Stanton as part of our ongoing efforts to promote safety and awareness within our community. Sergeant Jon Finze from the Wauconda Police Department, along with his K-9 partner, Badger, will be visiting to showcase the important role K-9 units play in assisting to keep our community safe.

This demonstration is part of our continued partnership with the Wauconda and Fox Lake Police Departments. We are committed to working with both departments throughout the foreseeable future to enhance safety and security for our students and staff.

The demonstration will give students a firsthand look at how K-9s assist law enforcement in various tasks, including detection and search operations. This will be a fun and educational experience, and we encourage you to talk with your child about the positive impact these animals have on public safety.

Please note that the demonstration will take place in a controlled environment to ensure the safety and comfort of all students.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you for your continued support!

Clayton Walker
Stanton Safety Coordinator
847-973-4206 - Office
847-532-2353 - Cell

Calling Incoming Kindergartners!

Calendar Change

Just making sure everyone knows...we will now be IN SESSION on Monday, March 3! Since we needed to close on Tuesday, we will now be open for Casimir Pulaski Day. Moving forward, we'll do our best to send home devices and plan for remote learning when there's the possibility of a snow/cold closure. 

Dress for the Weather! 
We will go outside as long as it's safe to do so, so please send students dressed for the weather each day. If you need assistance getting winter clothing, please just reach out to your child's teacher and they will let us know so we can get you what you need! One team...all in!

Attendance Matters!!!!
 PLEASE keep making sure your children come to school unless they are truly sick . If you need any help in getting your child to school, please reach out so we can help! Our attendance and absences are submitted to the state and factor into our school status. More importantly, a day missed is a day of lost learning!

THIS SATURDAY! The annual Family Fun Fair will be this Saturday, February 22nd from 11am to 3pm in the Lotus gym! Admission is FREE!! Join us for:
  • Carnival-themed food!
  • Inflatable obstacle course!
  • Exciting games!
  • Face Painting!
  • Get your picture taken in the Library!
  • Visit the book fair in the Library!
Mark your calendars for our next PTA meeting! It will be on Monday, March 10th at 6:00 pm in the Lotus library! 

Can't join in person? Join us on Google Meets!

Don't forget to join our Facebook group to see the meeting highlights and more, and while you're at it, join the PTA here! Membership dues are only $6 for the whole year!


Key 2024-25 Dates

February 22
Family Fun Fair (Lotus)

April 22
Day of Service
We'll be forming a committee of parents and staff to plan this event for the SPRING of 2025

May 2
Rocket Launch (Stanton)
Possible Star Wars Theme
Rain date May 9

February 18--Board of Education Meeting at STANTON or via Meet
March 3--SCHOOL IN SESSION (calendar change)

Pickleball for a GREAT Cause!

If you or your student are in a crisis, please call the following numbers as applicable:

For a Life Threatening EMERGENCY CALL 9-1-1

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline call or text 9-8-8 or chat provides 24/7, free and confidential support 

CRISIS TEXT LINE:  text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States anytime. A live trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds.

The Trevor Project 1-866-488-7386 provides crisis support services to LGBTQ youth.

Non-Emergency Community Help Line 2-1-1

JARS Resale Shop

36325 N Maple Ave. Ingleside, IL 60041


Wednesdays 5:30-730pm 

Saturdays 9-1pm 

2nd and 4th Fridays 9-1. Or by appointment


D114 is a special place to be! Thank you for your partnership with us!

-Heather Friziellie, your Superintendent of Schools

Sunday, February 9, 2025

D114 Weekly Family Updates 2/10/25


Hello, fabulous D114 families! 😀

Just a few reminders for the week:

*Wednesday, 2/12--Early Release (as normal)

*Friday, 2/14--No Student Attendance--Staff Institute Day

*Monday, 2/17--District Closed to honor Presidents Day

Lotus Kindness Week

Calling Incoming Kindergartners!

Calendar Change

Just making sure everyone knows...we will now be IN SESSION on Monday, March 3! Since we needed to close on Tuesday, we will now be open for Casimir Pulaski Day. Moving forward, we'll do our best to send home devices and plan for remote learning when there's the possibility of a snow/cold closure. 

Winter Weather 

Let's be ready for when winter weather comes our way! Please review our procedures below. 

Remember, for the first snow/cold day, our three options are:
1. Regular day
2. Late start
3. Snow/cold day, makeup on March 3 (Casimir Pulaski Day) ✅

Now that we have had a closure day, we'll be in session on Pulaski Day! We will now do our best we can to switch to a virtual day should we need to close. PLEASE be ready for this just in case and make sure kids are ready, too. 

As always, I'll let you know any changes just as soon as I can!

Dress for the Weather! 
We will go outside as long as it's safe to do so, so please send students dressed for the weather each day. If you need assistance getting winter clothing, please just reach out to your child's teacher and they will let us know so we can get you what you need! One team...all in!

Attendance Matters!!!!
 PLEASE keep making sure your children come to school unless they are truly sick . If you need any help in getting your child to school, please reach out so we can help! Our attendance and absences are submitted to the state and factor into our school status. More importantly, a day missed is a day of lost learning!

Good morning, District 114!

Thank you to everyone who joined us at Skate on Grand yesterday! We'll update you with what the PTA earned during this event soon.

Our next PTA meeting is TONIGHT, Monday, February 10th at 6:00 pm in the Lotus library! 

Can't join in person? Join us on Google Meets!

Mark your calendars! The annual Family Fun Fair will be on Saturday, February 22nd from 11am to 3pm in the Lotus gym! Come enjoy some fun carnival-themed food and some exciting games!!

Don't forget to join our Facebook group to see the meeting highlights and more, and while you're at it, join the PTA here! Membership dues are only $6 for the whole year!


Key 2024-25 Dates

February 22
Family Fun Fair (Lotus)

April 22
Day of Service
We'll be forming a committee of parents and staff to plan this event for the SPRING of 2025

May 2
Rocket Launch (Stanton)
Possible Star Wars Theme
Rain date May 9

February 14--Staff Institute Day, no student attendance
February 17--District Closed to commemorate Presidents' Day
February 18--Board of Education Meeting at STANTON
March 3--SCHOOL IN SESSION (calendar change)

Pickleball for a GREAT Cause!

Birth-3 Year Old Program---SPACE IS AVAILABLE!!!

If you or your student are in a crisis, please call the following numbers as applicable:

For a Life Threatening EMERGENCY CALL 9-1-1

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline call or text 9-8-8 or chat provides 24/7, free and confidential support 

CRISIS TEXT LINE:  text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States anytime. A live trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds.

The Trevor Project 1-866-488-7386 provides crisis support services to LGBTQ youth.

Non-Emergency Community Help Line 2-1-1

JARS Resale Shop

36325 N Maple Ave. Ingleside, IL 60041


Wednesdays 5:30-730pm 

Saturdays 9-1pm 

2nd and 4th Fridays 9-1. Or by appointment


D114 is a special place to be! Thank you for your partnership with us!

-Heather Friziellie, your Superintendent of Schools