Monday, June 8, 2020

Monday, June 8, 2020


District 114...
Stands for love. 
Stands for hope. 
Stands for peace.
Stands for unity.
Stands for diversity.
Stands for acceptance. 
Stands for change. 
Stands AGAINST racism and injustice. 

The entire country, and in fact, the world, is experiencing collective grief and rightful outrage over the 
killing of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, by police officers.  Mr. Floyd’s death follows countless 
other wrongful deaths and acts of police brutality against people of color in our country. We, as a 
District, stand with all efforts committed to speaking out against racial injustice and calling for change.

The District 114 mission is  “Maximize and foster learning and growth for all through continuous
improvement.”  Educators must play a role in combating racism to ensure learning and growth for all 
in our schools. There is no neutrality when it comes to racism and unjust behavior. We will 
focus upon improving ourselves and our knowledge of systemic racism and implicit bias through 
research and continuous conversation. We will learn more, understand more, do more, and speak 
up against what we know is wrong. 

As a District, we must explore and dig deeper into the issues surrounding racial inequality so that we can 
provide an equitable education for every child. 

If you are searching for age-appropriate educational resources for your family to learn more about 
the topics of racism, inequity and injustice, here are few sources to start with: 

If you as an adult are looking for a resource to help you learn and grow on the topic of racism, 
click here for some powerful titles.

We will continue to share our plans to do and be better, and we will share resources with you so that 
you can continue the conversation, as well. 

The diverse voices, perspectives, and talents of our D114 students and their families fill me with hope 
in this challenging moment. You have our commitment that our schools will be places of belonging, 
acceptance, learning, and understanding. 

With commitment to our students, families, and community-
Heather Friziellie, Superintendent of Schools
Matt Peters, Lotus Principal  
Natalie Udstuen, Lotus Assistant Principal

Lynn Smolen, Lotus Special Education Coordinator

Jeff Sefcik, Stanton Principal
Rachelle Peters, Stanton Assistant Principal


Late last week, we received guidance on summer programming and what we can/can’t do from ISBE. In summary:

“Accordingly, effective June 4, 2020, "[a]ll public and nonpublic schools in Illinois serving pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students may open for limited in-person educational purposes, such as summer school, following the completion of the regular 2019-2020 school term. All public and nonpublic schools may continue to provide food and other non-educational services." Executive Order 2020-40 supersedes any contrary provisions in any previous Executive Order; any provisions of previous Executive Orders that are not contrary remain in full effect.

Importantly, schools that choose to reopen must follow IDPH guidance during Phase 3 and take proactive measures to ensure the safety of students, staff, and visitors, including, but not limited to:
  1. Limit the number of people in one space to 10 or fewer, consistent with public health guidance.
  2. Ensure compliance with social distancing requirements to the greatest extent possible. For purposes of the Executive Order, social distancing includes maintaining at least six-foot distance from other individuals and discouraging physical contact between individuals.
  3. Ensure appropriate hygienic practices, including washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds as frequently as possible or using hand sanitizer, covering coughs or sneezes (into the sleeve or elbow, not hands), discouraging the sharing of personal items, and regularly cleaning high-touch surfaces.
  4. Require the use of appropriate PPE, including the use of face coverings (e.g., masks) by students, staff, and visitors who are over age two and able to medically tolerate a face covering. Schools must provide face coverings to all employees who are not able to maintain a minimum six-foot social distance at all times and, to the extent possible, make disposable face coverings available for all students.
ISBE emphasizes that while schools now have the option to provide in-person instruction in Phase 3, it is not required. School leaders continue to have the flexibility and autonomy to continue with remote summer programming and transition back to in-person instruction based on local circumstances. Decisions regarding whether to provide in-person instruction and conduct allowable school activities during Phase 3 remain at the discretion of local school authorities, in consultation with local public health departments."

With all that said, we are now working to determine how summer school can work, as it starts July 13, giving us time to consider an in-person plan. As things stand, there are three basic models that MAY be in place for fall. At this point, we are planning for all 3 models so we are ready no matter what. 
We have identified a core team of staff to work on planning for all the potential needs, and you can trust that I will keep you updated as we know more. At this point, there are NO decisions, but as they are made, I'll make sure you are informed. Please feel free to reach out to share your perspectives on this, and if you are interested in being a part of our planning, please let me know.

Please check out this amazing video made by Ms. Armbrecht and the Stanton Choir to showcase their talents! 


*A "Summer Smarties" webpage on the District site that will provide you with summer learning activities for your kids if you want to use them. These will include re-teaching activities for skills and extension activities for kids who are ready to stretch and do more. 

If you have any of the following, please return them to Stanton during Grab and Go on Monday or Thursday from 7:30-10:00AM

*Chromebook and charging cord
*Library books
*Book bags from the Reading Team at Lotus
*Novels mailed out to 6th (The Giver) and 8th (The Outsiders) students

You'll just hand us the materials, and we'll grab them right from you. 

All student materials that are not picked up this week will be disposed of/donated. Please pick up any materials you want from your child's deck locker from Stanton during Grab and Go on Monday or Thursday from 7:30-10:00AM. 

Grab and Go meals will continue to be served through at least the month of June (and longer, if we can get it approved) at Stanton every Monday and Thursday from 7:30-10:00 AM! Come and pick up!!!! 😊

Registration is OPEN!!!

If You Are Moving...
If you know you are moving out of D114 for the 2020-21 school year, please contact us so we can make sure we start the transfer process for you! 
Please contact:

Thank you---you'll be missed!

If You Are Staying...
Please be sure to complete online registration (details below). Also, if you'd like to purchase school supplies in a kit that is delivered right to school---so NO SCHOOL SHOPPING--you can do so using this link. 
Enter code:
LOT008 (Grades PreK-4)
STA179 for Stanton (Grades 5-8)

2020-21 Fees
Plese see below for registration fees. There are NO increases from last year, and we are not assessing fees until closer to the start of the year.

*Please go to the Fox Lake District 114 website:
*Scroll down to Quick Links.
*Click on Skyward Family Access to login to
complete Online Registration for each of your students.

If you need assistance with your Skyward username and password, please
contact either
Lotus:, or

Each field of the Online Registration must be opened, completed and the button at
the bottom middle of each screen must be clicked. Once all the fields are completed,
you'll see a green checkmark next to them and will receive an email confirmation once
the final button is clicked on the last page.

All new families MUST contact either:

Lotus: or Stanton:
to confirm a D114 address before registration can be opened.


Mackin is an online free library of books and ebooks, and we have these books until the end of the year! 
How do you get into it?  
Go to  
LOTUS    username D114lotus     Password read
STANTON  username D114stanton  Password read 

Talking with Your Kids about COVID-19:

D114 Text-A-Tip

United Way
Ways to access:
*Call 211 from any phone.
*Text your zip code to 898211
*Access the database via web at

D114 Text-A-Tip

You can reach us at District Office at 847-973-4028. Feel free to email me with questions, ideas, or concerns at We are here to help, so don't hesitate to reach out for assistance!

With commitment to our students and families, 

Heather Friziellie

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