Sunday, January 23, 2022

Weekly Family Updates 1/24/22


We so appreciate your patience and flexibility with bus route changes last week. We are hopeful that all our routes will be back to normal this week! 

Drive If You Can
If at all possible, we'd invite as many of our families to drive their kids to school as possible. By reducing the number of students on a bus, we decrease exposure to COVID, speed up bus routes, and help us when/if we have to double up routes due to illness. THANK YOU! 

Fox Lake Grade School District 114 is looking for full time paraprofessionals. Full time positions are available at Lotus Elementary School and Stanton Middle School. Must have a PARA License (SUB or PEL also acceptable). Pay ranges $12 - $15 per hour. To apply, follow this link. You may also visit our district website and select Employment > Job Postings.

Linked here is the most updated decision-making flow chart, provided by our legal counsel. This is what we are following. If you have questions, please reach out to me. 

Please check out this document for information on how quarantine is calculated under the new guidelines. We worked with all the other local districts to make sure we are all handling this consistently, and especially close contacts that occur at home. 

You can sign your child up for surveillance testing using this easy link! 

Please remember that these tests are for student use ONLY!

Current Local COVID Data

D114 Daily COVID Data


CDC thresholds and local data for Lake County


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%


D114 Local Zip Codes Data from Northwestern University COVID Dashboard--ALL DATA INCLUDES ACTUAL AND PROBABLE CASES!


Low Transmission

Moderate Transmission

Substantial Transmission

High Transmission

Current Status

Incidence Rate:

Total new cases per 100K persons in the last 7 days




100 or greater


7 Day Average Test Positivity Rate

Less than 5%



Greater than 10%

17.25 %

Remote Learning Access
To access short term remote learning, students must:
1. Have positive COVID diagnosis, or
2. Be identified as close contact by D114

Situations that do not qualify for remote access:

1. Symptoms in the absence of a COVID diagnosis.
*Students should stay home until symptoms resolve.
*Student will be encouraged to take a COVID test and share results
*COVID testing can be done onsite using O'Hare surveillance weekly testing or Binex Now Rapid with parent/guardian permission.

2. Student identified as close contact with a family member
*Student should stay home and monitor symptoms
*Student will be encouraged to take a COVID test and share results
*COVID testing can be done onsite using SHIELD PCR (once program launches) or Binex Now Rapid with parent/guardian permission.

3. Family vacations.

4. General illnesses.

5. Any other non-COVID related reasons.

Remote Learning Parameters:
Student get “eyes and ears” into the classroom using Google Classroom and Google Meet.
Student is provided at least 5 hours of instruction, of which 2.5 must be synchronous.
Remote access is given 24 hours after notification that a student qualifies.

Eat Out 2 Help Out D114 PTA Fundraiser
Where: Culver's Fox Lake: DRIVE THRU ONLY
When: Monday, February 7th 
Time: 5-8pm
*Mention D114 PTA Event to help us receive 10% of purchases back to our organization. 

Tuesday, February 22--February Board of Education meeting at 7PM at Lotus

Enrollment form for winter sports is attached to this week's email. 

D114 Text-A-Tip

United Way


Ways to access:

*Call 211 from any phone.

*Text your zip code to 898211

*Access the database via web at


You can reach us at District Office at 847-973-4028. Feel free to email me with questions, ideas, or concerns at We are here to help, so don't hesitate to reach out for assistance!

With commitment to our students and families, 

Heather Friziellie, Superintendent

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