Sunday, February 2, 2025

D114 Weekly Family Updates 2/3/25


I've had a number of families reach out with questions about the possible impact of the freeze on federal funding. Here's the most recent information provided to me...

The Latest on the Funding Freeze

Here’s the most current update from the Lake Co ROE (1/28/25)

Yesterday, the White House budget office announced a federal funding freeze

At this point our understanding is that most grants will continue after this pause with some

reevaluated due to changing priorities.  Our understanding is that an Executive Order can not

usurp legislation but it can direct the implementation of the legislation to the Federal

government, so a pause does not appear to be unconstitutional, a change to the continuing

resolution would require legislation.  We may expect some changes to priorities, criteria for

selection for some grants.

What We Know So Far

Formula Funding: At this time, our understanding is that formula funding for FY24

(e.g., Title I) has already been distributed to districts on either July 1 or October 1 and

cannot be withheld.

Programs Potentially Impacted: Funds that are disbursed closer to “real-time” — such as

Impact Aid, Head Start, and school meals — may be paused, but this has not yet been


Competitive Grants: Any new grant competitions (e.g., through ED, USDA, DOJ, Energy)

are currently paused due to the freeze. However, most FY24 competitive grant funds have

already been awarded and are not expected to be problematic.

This announcement includes broad proposals with limited specifics and is likely to face both

Congressional and legal challenges. 

Looking Ahead

For FY25, it’s important to note that Title I and other forward-funded programs are not

expected to release funds until July 2025. Historically, these funds have been disbursed on

time once Congress passes the Continuing Resolution (CR) for FY25. 

Info from ISBE (1/30/25)

Dear Colleagues:


I understand that district leaders, teachers, and families have a lot of questions about the recent

Executive Orders and memos issued by the federal government.


These actions do not require school districts to make any immediate changes at the board or classroom level. At this time,

there have been no changes to federal legislation, regulations or funding that would warrant a local

response, and all Illinois state laws remain intact.


In the meantime, I urge district leaders to continue normal operations. Thank you for your day-to-day

leadership in providing a high-quality education to all Illinois students.


All my best,

Tony (Sanders--State Superintendent of Schools)

Calling Incoming Kindergartners!

Some Happy News…

D114 has been selected as one of four launch districts in Lake County for participation and support from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. This will be a HUGE compliment to our growing Birth-3 programming, and…well…let’s just face it: anything Dolly does is gold by me! For more information on this amazing literacy program, click here. I’ll share publicly when we’re all set up and have an official launch date. I’ve been pushing for Lake County to get in this for YEARS!!! I’m so glad it’s finally happening and that it will start in our D114 zip codes!

Calendar Change

Just making sure everyone knows...we will now be IN SESSION on Monday, March 3! Since we needed to close on Tuesday, we will now be open for Casimir Pulaski Day. Moving forward, we'll do our best to send home devices and plan for remote learning when there's the possibility of a snow/cold closure. 

Winter Weather 

Let's be ready for when winter weather comes our way! Please review our procedures below. 

Remember, for the first snow/cold day, our three options are:
1. Regular day
2. Late start
3. Snow/cold day, makeup on March 3 (Casimir Pulaski Day) ✅

Now that we have had a closure day, we'll be in session on Pulaski Day! We will now do our best we can to switch to a virtual day should we need to close. PLEASE be ready for this just in case and make sure kids are ready, too. 

As always, I'll let you know any changes just as soon as I can!

Dress for the Weather! 
We will go outside as long as it's safe to do so, so please send students dressed for the weather each day. If you need assistance getting winter clothing, please just reach out to your child's teacher and they will let us know so we can get you what you need! One team...all in!

Lotus Nurse
For now, we will have sub coverage for the Lotus Health Office. When a permanent assignment is made, I will inform you. Please see me with any questions. 

Know Anyone Who...
If you know anyone who would be interested in being a Van Driver, Sub Van Driver, or Bus Driver, please have them apply using this link. We can TRAIN bus drivers ourselves if they don't have a CDL, and van drivers don't need the CDL!!! 

Attendance Matters!!!!
 PLEASE keep making sure your children come to school unless they are truly sick . If you need any help in getting your child to school, please reach out so we can help! Our attendance and absences are submitted to the state and factor into our school status. More importantly, a day missed is a day of lost learning!

Good morning, District 114!

Come get your skate on at our next Eat Out to Help Out event THIS SUNDAY, February 9th, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Skate on Grand! The PTA will receive a portion of admission and meal deal sales. The greater the number of families who come, the bigger the percentage the PTA will earn! Come enjoy some great indoor fun!! $8 for admission and skates! $3.50 meal deal! Purchase your tickets in advance here! 


Mark your calendars!! Our next PTA meeting is on Monday, February 10th at 6:00 pm in the Lotus library! 

Can't join in person? Join us on Google Meets!

Don't forget to join our Facebook group to see the meeting highlights and more, and while you're at it, join the PTA here! Membership dues are only $6 for the whole year!


Key 2024-25 Dates

February 22
Family Fun Fair (Lotus)

April 22
Day of Service
We'll be forming a committee of parents and staff to plan this event for the SPRING of 2025

May 2
Rocket Launch (Stanton)
Possible Star Wars Theme
Rain date May 9

February 14--Staff Institute Day, no student attendance
February 17--District Closed to commemorate Presidents' Day
February 18--Board of Education Meeting at STANTON
March 3--SCHOOL IN SESSION (calendar change)

Birth-3 Year Old Program---SPACE IS AVAILABLE!!!

If you or your student are in a crisis, please call the following numbers as applicable:

For a Life Threatening EMERGENCY CALL 9-1-1

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline call or text 9-8-8 or chat provides 24/7, free and confidential support 

CRISIS TEXT LINE:  text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States anytime. A live trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds.

The Trevor Project 1-866-488-7386 provides crisis support services to LGBTQ youth.

Non-Emergency Community Help Line 2-1-1

JARS Resale Shop

36325 N Maple Ave. Ingleside, IL 60041


Wednesdays 5:30-730pm 

Saturdays 9-1pm 

2nd and 4th Fridays 9-1. Or by appointment


D114 is a special place to be! Thank you for your partnership with us!

-Heather Friziellie, your Superintendent of Schools

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