Sunday, July 26, 2020

Monday, July 27 Weekly Update

Nearly 2 weeks ago, our Board of Education approved our Blended Learning model, with full remote learning as a family choice option. We have all spent countless hours over the past two weeks trying to navigate the logistics and scheduling in order to meet as many scheduling needs for our students and families as possible. 

The Illinois State Board of Education is pushing us to get kids in school, and also offered updated guidance on planning for Learning in the Fall (actual document linked here).  And trust me, we want nothing more than to have all of our kids here on campus as soon as soon as SAFELY possible.  

However, the guidelines from ISBE, the CDC, and the Illinois Department of Public Health continue to be adjusted with shifting clarification.  Many of the requirements they are putting forth are making it increasingly difficult for us to get students and staff back on campus. 

 Here is a short summary of a few of the roadblocks we are trying to navigate at this time:

1. Quarantine guidelines are going to cause significant disruption daily.  We have yet to receive an official updated “decision tree” from Lake County Health Department in regards to who/when to quarantine.  Since their information from the CDC continues to be adjusted, they have also had to adjust their guidance documents for us.  I was told on Friday to anticipate this updated information sometime this week.

2. As quarantine becomes an issue, we will quickly be short in the number of adults available to fill needed roles on campus.  Even in a classroom with desks 6 ft apart in a cohort of kids where adults rotate in to teach, one COVID case could take out all those students and up to 7 staff members. 

3. It was shared this week by the Lake County Health Department that any student or staff member who has one of the symptoms for COVID-19 will be required to provide either a negative COVID test or a doctor note to return.  This will be a huge hurdle for families and staff, as the list of symptoms includes symptoms of other common illnesses like runny nose and allergies.  This requirement alone will likely cause significant disruption to the attendance of staff and students.

4.There are increasing infection rates in Lake County, which has pushed the county into a “warning” status.

5. It was clarified with me on Friday by the Lake County Health Department that if we can’t maintain 6ft social distancing at all times then alternate plans need to be developed.  Prior guidance said to maintain the 6ft “if possible”.  Given this new clarification, we are having trouble guaranteeing this will happen at all times including during transitions and in the hallways. 

6. The daily screening of all students continues to be an issue that we are trying to address as to how to best handle.  This could be done either using a self-health check or temperature check but MAY NOT enter the building or bus if they haven’t completed a self-health check or had temperature taken. To assure that every student has been screened before they get onto a bus is not an easy situation to resolve.

There are more to come as we get more information from LCHD and CDC, which makes planning truly challenging. 

We want our kids here because we know that educationally and socially that is what is best for them. 

However, given these significant safety concerns, we want to revisit our decision in a virtual Special Session Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, July 27 at 5:30 PM. Meeting link is shared here:

Phone Numbers
PIN: ‪478 045 159#‬

This is, as always, a public meeting, and you are welcome to join. 

I share this with you in an effort to be transparent regarding the issues we are trying to work through as a consortium of districts and, to be honest, my concerns for opening in-person at this point. I am sure you are seeing in the local news reports that many of the Lake and McHenry County school districts are shifting to a full remote learning environment to start the school year for these same reasons and concerns. 

Please know that I understand the impact that our decision making has on our students, staff, and families and the stress that I know this is causing. Tuesday evening's Board meeting gives us the opportunity to review our plans and determine what is the right course of action given all the facts we know as of now. 

We remain in this together...ONE TEAM, ALL IN! 

We've gotten a lot of more great questions and have added them to the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS document, with updates added at the bottom of the page.  I've linked it here so it can be constantly updated with the most current information. We have also created the FALL REOPENING PAGE on the D114 website so you can easily access all the most updated information. 

I'm thrilled to share that Innovation Learning--who has provided after school care at Lotus for years--can provide on site supervision/remote learning support to K-8 students as needed for staff and our families when students are remote learning. I have also confirmed that they can provide programming should we need to shift to full remote learning.

This is a viable option for families to consider if you need child care or support on remote learning days. Here are the information flyers:

Registration is now open. Please know that there will be a minimum number of enrollment required for the programming to "go", and, should we shift to full remote, they will update the flyer and information. 

As a reminder, all families should have a plan in place should we have to pivot to full remote learning. This could happen at any point depending on the decisions made for safety at the state level. While I certainly hope it doesn't happen, I also want us all to be ready!

Again, thank you for your partnership. I know this isn't easy, but I can promise you we will do our very best for our students, families, and matter what!

Want to help out others? Here's a great opportunity! Thank you, Sophia!

We're now over 83% registered! Fabulous!!!

YOU MUST BE REGISTERED BY AUGUST 1 SO WE CAN CONFIRM YOUR RESIDENCY. If you are not registered, your final enrollment and class assignment will be delayed so we can confirm residency. 

If You Are Moving...
If you know you are moving out of D114 for the 2020-21 school year, please contact us so we can make sure we start the transfer process for you! 
Please contact:

Thank you---you'll be missed!

If You Are Staying...
Please be sure to complete online registration (details below). 

2020-21 Fees
Plese see below for registration fees. There are NO increases from last year, and we are not assessing fees until closer to the start of the year.

*Please go to the Fox Lake District 114 website:
Click on this button:
If you need assistance with your Skyward username and password, please
contact either
Lotus:, or
Each field of the Online Registration must be opened, completed and the button at
the bottom middle of each screen must be clicked. Once all the fields are completed,
you'll see a green checkmark next to them and will receive an email confirmation once
the final button is clicked on the last page.

All new families MUST contact either:

Lotus: or Stanton:
to confirm a D114 address before registration can be opened.

Grab and Go for Kids on the Move! | General Mills Convenience and ...

Grab and Go will be continue to be held at LOTUS each Monday and Thursday from 7:30-10:00AM. The roof work at Stanton is pretty messy and, since we will be offering meals as part of Summer School at Lotus, it makes sense to relocate all food service to Lotus for the rest of the summer. 

To give our families access to learning tools for summer, a group worked SO HARD to make this page:
It will be updated regularly to keep the learning, review, and extensions happen all summer long!


Mackin is an online free library of books and ebooks, and we have these books until the end of the year! 
How do you get into it?  
Go to  
LOTUS    username D114lotus     Password read
STANTON  username D114stanton  Password read 

Talking with Your Kids about COVID-19:

D114 Text-A-Tip

United Way
Ways to access:
*Call 211 from any phone.
*Text your zip code to 898211
*Access the database via web at

You can reach us at District Office at 847-973-4028. Feel free to email me with questions, ideas, or concerns at We are here to help, so don't hesitate to reach out for assistance!

With commitment to our students and families, 

Heather Friziellie, Superintendent of Scho

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